The Ultimate Guide To Golf Lesson Costs And What To Expect

Thinking of taking up golf lessons but unsure about the cost and what to expect? There is a stigma around lessons that can be expensive and not worthwhile, but we’re here to put that myth to bed. 

Lesson Type DurationCost
Private Range Session1hr$50(£35) – $70(£50)
Private Course Lesson3hr – 4hr $120-$250(£85-£180)
4-Ball Course Lesson 4hr$30-$60(£20-£40) per person
Group Range Lesson 1hr$10-$15 per person
Pitching/Putting Lesson1hr$50(£35) – $70(£50)

In this guide, we’ll be walking you through how much a golf lesson should typically cost and what you can expect to do during your lessons. We’ll also be walking you through the different types of lessons you’ll participate in and how you can reap the rewards of each style of the lesson to get your money’s worth

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How Much Should A Golf Lesson Cost? 

On average, a standard one-hour lesson on the driving range can cost around $50(£35). But that price will depend on what you’re looking to do in the lesson, your coach’s experience level, and the club you’re playing at. 

Put it this way, golf lessons aren’t cheap, but they will help you improve as a player, making them very worthwhile. You’ll find the majority of clubs and coaches offer special deals to cater to their high prices. They will typically knock off a considerable discount if you sign up to have four or five lessons. For example, my local golf club will put on four lessons for around $150(£85), which is essentially giving you one lesson for free. 

Ultimately, it comes down to what you want to achieve from the lesson. If you’re looking for a quick swing tune-up, then half an hour on the range with a coach is more than enough time to get some pointers on moving forward. You can then take on board their comments, and If you feel you need to come back in the future to get more help, you can book another time slot. If you’ve never had a golf lesson before and are unsure of what to expect, make sure to check out our guide on what you can expect from lessons before you book them.

You’ll also find that some golf clubs are a lot more expensive than others. Golf courses with greater prestige with a higher membership price can sometimes charge up to $100(£70) per hour for a session with their PGA pro. That’s why it’s sometimes beneficial for those looking to get lessons to shop around and see what types of deals you can arrange with the proposed coach. Let’s quickly take a look at the different pricing tiers for each lesson.

For a complete guide on everything you need to know about golf lessons please check out my helpful article.

Different Prices For Different Lessons

A standard one hour lesson on the driving range can cost on average $50(£35) from a PGA qualified coach. A lesson on the course will set you back anywhere from $120-$250(£85-£180), plus green fees. Golf lesson prices can fluctuate from club to club, and how experienced the coach is.

Here is a brief rundown of how much you can expect to pay for each type of lesson as an adult golfer. 

Lesson Type DurationCost
Private Range Session1hr$50(£35) – $70(£50)
Private Course Lesson3hr – 4hr $120-$250(£85-£180)
4-Ball Course Lesson 4hr$30-$60(£20-£40) per person
Group Range Lesson 1hr$10-$15 per person
Pitching/Putting Lesson1hr$50(£35) – $70(£50)

A Private Lesson On The Range

A private lesson on the range can set you back between $50(£35) and $70(£50), depending on how long the lesson is and your golf club. Golfers can often string together a good discount on private lessons on the range, with coaches giving their students a free lesson if they book five of them, which would cost $200(£140) for five lessons, which is outstanding value for money. 

Junior golfers naturally receive a discount and often do over the 60s, with the discount being between 30 and 40 percent for both. It’s also worth noting that many golfers also forget that they need to purchase a bucket of balls for a range session, which could set you back anywhere between $20(£15) to $30(£20), depending on how many golf balls you intend to hit on the range. You’ll often find, though, that some golf clubs will throw in a free bucket of golf balls for each lesson, so it’s worth looking around at each club to find the best deal for that reason. 

If you’re still unsure of whether you want to take golf lessons, check out our 11 point guide on how golf lessons could benefit you!

A Private Lesson On The Course

It gets a little more expensive when you want to work with your coach on the course. But it is undoubtedly more beneficial to have outdoor golf lessons as that allows you to work on your course management and get a grip for playing on natural playing surfaces.

Typically, when booking a lesson on the course, you have to book your tutor in for a morning or afternoon session, which is why the price of the lesson goes up threefold to anywhere between $120-$250(£85-£180). 

While playing a full 18 holes with your coach, you’ll pick up a lot of tips and tricks from them that you wouldn’t usually get when playing with your friends or other club members. That’s why paying a little extra for outdoor lessons can be much more beneficial.

You may also want to think about buddying up and splitting the cost of the lesson with a few friends, which can drastically take down the price of a lesson on the course. Remember also you’ll need to pay green fees for both you and the coach, which can set you back around $100(£70), depending on where you are playing. For more information on whether outdoor golf lessons are more effective than indoor lessons, click here.

Group Lessons  

The most cost-effective way to have golf lessons is by taking lessons as part of a group. Grab your friends and get them down to the range, and book a lesson together. Group lessons are also a fun way to socialize and make new friends in golf, with coaches often offering slots for group sessions with other players you may not have met before. 

For an hour’s group session, you can pay anywhere between $10-$15, and because of the low price, you’ll be able to attend multiple lessons where you might cover different aspects of your game. Of course, group lessons won’t give you the same in-depth coaching as you would normally receive if you were taking private lessons.

But you’ll learn more practice drills you can take away from the session to your own practice. The more classes you can attend, the better golfer you’ll become, but for beginner golfers, check out our guide on how many golf lessons you need to get up and running.

Pitching And Putting Lessons

Pitching and putting lessons typically cost around the same price as a lesson on the range, about $50(£35) – $70(£50). These are very beneficial and are excellent value for money, simply because not many people practice their putting with trained professionals.

The number of golfers who do not know how to read a green is staggering, costing them tons of shots around the course. Therefore, putting lessons is invaluable if you’re looking to become a better golfer and swipe shots off your handicap. For information on the best putters for beginners, please click here

What Other Factors Can Affect the Cost Of My Golf Lessons?

A number of factors can impact the price of your golf lessons, from your coaches, experience to the facilities you’re playing at. 

Within the Professional Golfers’ Association, there are various qualifications and levels of experience coaches can achieve. Depending on their qualification level, coaches can charge more for their time. You can even get a degree in golf studies from the University of Birmingham in London!

Typically, an average golf coach will be qualified as a level 1, level 2, or level 3 coach. Level 3 coaches can charge higher rates than level 1 coaches. Still, they will have more experience behind them and are typically more beneficial for experienced golfers looking to fix a specific part of their golfing game. 

In fact, some of the best coaches in the world, like Butch Harmon, can charge around $1,500(£1,080) per hour for their services!

The facilities you’re playing at can also play a huge factor in how much your lessons can cost. Not many people realize, but when you pay your coach for lessons, you’re paying a percentage to the golf club to use their facilities.

That’s why golf lessons can fluctuate in price so drastically between club to club. Some clubs are just happy to have people playing there and will only impose small fees on golfers, while more prestigious golf clubs with top-of-the-range facilities, electronic driving ranges, and well-kept putting surfaces will inevitably cost more to use.

You may also want to use specific technology and equipment to help you understand some more of the specifics of your swing. For example, your coach might charge extra to use their trackman technology on the range to map your swing, gain readings on your club and ball speed, and track the distance and flight of the golf. It can be a useful tool for experienced golfers looking to get a sweeter and more flush connection on the golf ball, but it will come at a premium. 

When it comes to booking a golf lesson, make sure to shop around and understand your needs as a golfer before you break the bank! Beginner golfers don’t need to be playing at the best courses with the best instructors who have the latest technology; that will make you’re golfing game worse! If you’re new to golf, try to find a lower-level PGA coach who will be much cheaper than one of the higher tier coaches and can still help you get up to speed in the game of golf. 

What Percentage Of Golfers Take Lessons? 

Approximately 21 million golf lessons are given out each year in the United States, with much of those being golfers who are new to the game. 14% of male golfers attended a lesson over the past year, while female golfers were more likely to take group golf lessons. 

The statistics for people taking lessons are relatively low, considering how many people play the sport around the world and how much golf lessons can improve your game. Check out our guide for 11 reasons on how a golf lesson can make you a better golfer. 

But that being said, the majority of golfers are looking to conserve money. With golf already being a costly sport, with players having to manage green fees, memberships, buy new equipment and clothes, your golfing bill annually can stack up considerably. A

dd lessons on top of that, and you’re easily going to be paying a few hundred dollars a year to get better. That’s why many amateurs chose to teach themselves. But amateur golfers are way more likely to develop bad habits and inaccuracies in their swing that can cause injuries later down the line. Curious if you can teach yourself golf? See the benefits of teaching vs having lessons in our article.

Many golfers pay a lot of money to have lessons, and many get frustrated when they don’t see results straight away. But as with anything, lessons you won’t be effective unless you put in your practice on top of them. Whether that’s working on the range or even practicing out on the course, golf lessons will only go so far in helping you become a better golfer; the other half is down to you!

Top Tips On Buying Golf Lessons

Golf lessons can be expensive, and the price of golf lessons can put many people off wanting to gain professional help. But in hindsight, from someone who has received my fair share of lessons before, I wouldn’t be the golfer I am today without them. They have drastically improved my game and made me a much better player than I was before.

When it comes to keeping the cost of your lessons down, look to take group sessions with your friends or group classes with other people. That can be a lot more fun than simply playing with a coach on your own, plus group lessons can help you meet new people within golf. 

Want to know everything there is to know about golf lessons? If so I suggest you take a look at my helpful article.

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